
Miracle or Hoax?


For many centuries, on Saturday, the day before Easter, the Holy Fire descends into the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Church is illuminated by flashes, plunging the faithful and clergy into rapture, and the mystical fire has the amazing property of not burning for some time. How does this fire appear? Is it really true that a miracle occurs in Jerusalem every year?

Photo: Holy Fire of Jerusalem: Miracle or Hoax? №1 -

Of course, disappointment is always bad, but it is time to learn the truth. We will not delve into the scientific side of the issue and operate with the laws of physics and chemistry that are difficult to understand. To be objective, we will turn to the clergy themselves, who, as it turns out, reveal the thousand-year-old secret of the Holy Fire.

Photo: Holy Fire of Jerusalem: Miracle or Hoax? #2 -

Here is what Bishop Porfiry (Uspensky), who is, without a doubt, a competent person, writes on this issue:

“In the year when the famous lord of Syria and Palestine, Ibrahim, Pasha of Egypt, was in Jerusalem, it turned out that the fire received from the Holy Sepulcher on Great Saturday was not a blessed fire, but was kindled as any fire is kindled. This Pasha decided to verify whether the fire really did suddenly and miraculously appear on the lid of the Sepulcher of Christ or was lit with a sulfur match. What did he do? He announced to the Patriarch’s deputies that he wished to sit in the Kuvuklia itself during the reception of the fire and watch closely as it appeared, and added that if it was true, they would be given 5,000 pungs (2,500,000 piastres), but if it was a lie, let them give him all the money collected from the deceived worshipers, and that he would print in all the newspapers of Europe about the vile forgery.”

As you can imagine, the matter was taking a serious turn and required a responsible decision. The governor of Petroarabia, Misail, the Metropolitan of Nazareth, Daniel, and the Bishop of Philadelphia, Dionysius, gathered to discuss the situation.

Photo: Holy Fire of Jerusalem: Miracle or Hoax? #3 -

Only Misael knew the technology of the appearance of fire in the Kuvuklia in detail, so all questions were addressed to him. The priest admitted to his colleagues that the fire was not of divine origin, but was lit by a lamp hidden behind the moving marble icon of the Resurrection of Christ, located at the very Sepulcher of the Lord.

Even if someone else gets into the room, he will not be able to find the source of the fire, since it is securely hidden in a niche behind the icon. Only Misael and his confidants know where the lamp from which the sacred fire is lit is located, and it is they who give people the Easter “miracle”.

Photo: Holy Fire of Jerusalem: Miracle or Hoax? #4 -

However, it was impossible to admit to the forgery that had been going on year after year for many centuries, and the church patriarchs decided to humbly ask the Egyptian Pasha Ibrahim not to interfere in Christian matters. A dragoman from the Holy Sepulchre Monastery was sent to the skeptical eastern monarch as a negotiator.

During the conversation, the cunning intermediary diluted the religious aspects with completely secular ones. He informed the pasha that his lordship would not gain any benefit from the loud exposure of the hoax. On the contrary, the Russian sovereign Nicholas would be very annoyed by such a turn of events, which could affect the political situation.

Ibrahim Pasha, having listened to the dragoman, waved his hand and abandoned his idea, which was not very successful for everyone. However, after this incident, the Holy Sepulchre clergy of all confessions no longer believed in the miraculous origin of the fire. Having met again, Misael, Daniil and Dionysius began to hold a council on what to do next and whether it was worth informing everyone about the forgery.

Photo: Holy Fire of Jerusalem: Miracle or Hoax? #5 -

Ibrahim Pasha (1789 – 1848)

Metropolitan Daniel took the floor and decided that it was not worth informing the faithful about the man-made origin of the fire, as it was harmful and dangerous. In his opinion, the Lord, who had allowed the pious lie for so long, would arrange everything as it should be. At the same time, if Christians were informed about the lie that many generations had believed, they could be torn to pieces by the faithful right at the temple.

After this, it was decided to notify Patriarch Athanasius, who was in Constantinople, about the incident with Ibrahim Pasha.

“We informed the patriarch about Ibrahim Pasha’s solicitation, but in our letter to him we wrote “consecrated fire” instead of “holy light.” Surprised by this change, the blessed elder asked us: “Why did you start calling the holy fire differently?” We revealed the absolute truth to him, but added that the fire lit on the Holy Sepulcher from a hidden lamp is still a sacred fire, received from a sacred place.”

Note that it is not a non-believer or a secular person who speaks about the loss of faith in the Holy Fire by the Holy Sepulchre clergy, but a clergyman of high rank. The miracle that pleases Christians all over the world exists only because its existence is beneficial to both the Christian clergy and the Jews and Muslims.

Photo: Holy Fire of Jerusalem: Miracle or Hoax? #6 -

The Holy Fire attracts a mass of believers and forces them to leave a huge sum in Jerusalem. Also, in the last couple of centuries, international prestige has played a role. In this regard, it is worth expressing a modicum of doubt in the divine origin of the fire, as accusations of inciting religious hatred and oppression immediately rain down from all sides.

By the way, the Egyptian Pasha Ibrahim is not the first of the non-believers to doubt the Easter miracle. The Arab historian Al-Jawbari in his notes, dated back to 1242, reports:

“Al-Melik al-Mauzzam, the son of al-Melik al-Adil, entered the Church of the Resurrection on the Sabbath of Light and said to the monk (assigned) to it: “Al-Melik al-Mauzzam, the son of al-Melik al-Adil, entered the Church of the Resurrection on the Sabbath of Light and said to the monk (assigned) to it: “I will not leave until I see this light descend.” The monk said to him: “What is more pleasing to the king: this wealth that flows to you in this way, or knowledge of this (matter)? If I reveal this secret to you, then the ruler will lose this money; leave it hidden and receive this great wealth.” When the Sultan heard this, he understood the hidden essence of the matter and left it as it was.”

The income that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre brought to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem was truly enormous. As strange as it may sound, but a century ago the Easter holiday was eagerly awaited not only by the city's Christians, but also by all its inhabitants, regardless of their religion and beliefs. It could be said with certainty that Jerusalem was fed by the gifts of believers who flocked here from all over the world for the holidays.

Photo: Holy Fire of Jerusalem: Miracle or Hoax? #7 -

Thus, as sad as it is to state, there are no miracles and what happens in the main Christian temple is nothing more than a beautiful religious rite. But, … “Do not touch pious legends, or faith itself will fall!”

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