Doctor: if you experience food intolerance, you need to keep a food diary.
Food intolerance is a condition in which the digestive system cannot absorb a certain food product because the body does not produce enough of the enzyme that is necessary to break it down, said Olga Evlasheva, a gastroenterologist at SberHealth.
“The most common forms of this condition are intolerance to lactose, the milk sugar, and histamine, a chemical involved in the immune system. Thus, a person with lactose intolerance does not digest milk and dairy products because his body does not produce enough lactase enzyme,” the expert noted.
According to her, people with histamine intolerance cannot digest foods and drinks such as cheese, pineapple, banana, avocado, chocolate, and red wine because their bodies do not produce enough of the enzyme diamine oxidase.
“Such conditions arise due to genetic predisposition. In the case of lactase deficiency, the cause can also be pathologies that lead to damage to the small intestine, for example Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract,” said the specialist.
According to her, symptoms of food intolerance appear several hours after consuming a product that the body could not absorb.
“They usually manifest themselves in the form of diarrhea, increased gas production and abdominal pain, but a person may also experience nausea, fatigue, headaches, joint pain, and skin rashes. It is worth noting that such manifestations can last from several hours to several days,” the doctor explained.
At the same time, the gastroenterologist added that food intolerance and allergies are similar in symptoms, but they are not the same thing.
“The first condition is related to digestive problems, and the second is related to the reaction of the immune system,” she said.
Another common form of food intolerance is non-celiac hypersensitivity to gluten, a protein found in grains such as wheat and barley.
“When food intolerance manifests itself, the patient is prescribed to keep a daily food diary in order to identify the “culprit product.” If necessary, your doctor may also order blood tests to rule out celiac disease and food allergies. Treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms. According to indications, the patient is prescribed antacid and antidiarrheal medications, and in some cases, taking enzymes,” concluded RT’s interlocutor.
Previously, gastroenterologist Ekaterina Kashukh, Candidate of Medical Sciences, medical expert at the Hemotest laboratory, emphasized in a conversation with RT that rice is a natural source of B vitamins necessary for the health of the nervous system.
However, she warned that in rare cases an allergy to this product may occur.