Doctor Tomilin: a period of warm weather in the fall contributed to the outbreak of the Coxsackie virus
A possible factor in the spread of the Coxsackie virus is an unusually long period of warm weather in the fall, Yuri Tomilin, associate professor of the department of infectious diseases and epidemiology at the Institute of Clinical Medicine of Pirogov University, told Gazeta.Ru.
“Given the fact that previously there were varieties of coronavirus infection, especially the latest strain, Omicron, in its two variations, the function of the immune system is greatly reduced. In addition, a possible factor in the spread of the Coxsackie virus is an unusually long period of warm weather in the fall,” Tomilin said.
The most significant route of transmission of this disease is airborne, but it can also be transmitted through the fecal-oral, contact and vertical (mother-to-child) routes.
“The virus is stable in the external environment. Where it is possible to wear masks, you must wear masks. Be sure to maintain personal hygiene. This includes washing hands and so on, visiting public places and so on. During the current outbreak, adults are very rarely getting sick from the virus. Mostly children get sick. Isolation of sick people is required. Isolation should last up to 20 days,” the doctor noted.
Diagnosing the infection is simple: a person develops a rash that affects the mouth, palms and feet. The rash may also appear on the sides of the body.
“There is no special treatment for this virus yet. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to patients who have a low immune status. First of all, these are HIV-infected patients; people who have had organs and tissues transplanted,” the doctor concluded.